REM Start of script 'wired and wireless '10-14-14 EnableZoneSupport(1) REM Create text widget to display onscreen messaging mode=CreateObject("roVideoMode") registry=CreateObject("roRegistry") rect1 = CreateObject("roRectangle", mode.GetSafeWidth()/3, mode.GetSafeHeight()/3, mode.GetSafeWidth()-30, 42) rect2 = CreateObject("roRectangle", mode.GetSafeWidth()/3, mode.GetSafeHeight()/3 + 42, mode.GetSafeWidth()-30, 42) rect3 = CreateObject("roRectangle", mode.GetSafeWidth()/3, mode.GetSafeHeight()/3 + 84, mode.GetSafeWidth()-30, 42) text1 = CreateObject("roTextWidget", rect1, 1, 2, 0) text2 = CreateObject("roTextWidget", rect2, 2, 2, 0) text3 = CreateObject("roTextWidget", rect3, 3, 2, 0) print type(rect) print type(text) text1.Show() text2.Show() text3.Show() text1.PushString("Disabling DUID - Long Network Identifier") sleep(5000) nc0 = CreateObject("roNetworkConfiguration", 0) nc1 = CreateObject("roNetworkConfiguration", 1) nc2 = CreateObject("roNetworkConfiguration", 2) if nc0 <> invalid then status0 = "Ethernet: " + nc0.GetClientIdentifier() else status0 = "" if nc1 <> invalid then status1 = " / Wi-Fi: " + nc1.GetClientIdentifier() else status1 = "" if nc2 <> invalid then status2 = " / Modem: " + nc2.GetClientIdentifier() else status2 = "" text2.PushString("Current Status: " + status0 + status1 + status2) sleep(5000) REM Adjust network settings here if necessary REM if nc0 <> invalid then ok0=nc0.SetClientIdentifier("") if nc1 <> invalid then ok1=nc1.SetClientIdentifier("") if nc2 <> invalid then ok2=nc2.SetClientIdentifier("") text1.Hide() if nc0 <> invalid then ok0=nc0.Apply() else ok0=false if nc1 <> invalid then ok1=nc1.Apply() else ok1=false if nc2 <> invalid then ok2=nc2.Apply() else ok2=false registry.Flush() if nc0 <> invalid then status0 = "Ethernet: " + nc0.GetClientIdentifier() else status0 = "" if nc1 <> invalid then status1 = " / Wi-Fi: " + nc1.GetClientIdentifier() else status1 = "" if nc2 <> invalid then status2 = " / Modem: " + nc2.GetClientIdentifier() else status2 = "" text2.PushString("New Status: " + status0 + status1 + status2) text3.PushString("Settings Updated. Remove Configuration Script from flash card.") if (ok0=true) or (ok1=true) or (ok2=true) then text2.Show() sleep(30000) REM End of script