BrightSign Network Issue

Update: The playlist/feed update problems have been resolved. All playlists and feeds should update correctly the next time players check in with the BrightSign Network servers.

A problem has occurred during scheduled maintenance on the BrightSign Network servers, affecting the following features: Dynamic Playlists, Live Text feeds, and Live Media feeds. Any changes that have been made to existing playlists/feeds since approximately 2:00AM PST (10:00AM UDT) on Tuesday have not gone through to players on the BrightSign Network.

Note that this is only a failure with updating existing playlists/feeds on players: The content/playlists, as they are stored on BSN servers, are not affected by this problem; any edits made to playlists/feeds on players before the above time, as well as any new playlists/feeds added to players after this time, are similarly unaffected. 

We are currently working to resolve this issue and expect to have it fixed very soon. Once the fix is implemented, any changes that have been made to Dynamic Playlists, Live Text feeds, or Live Media feeds since 2:00AM PST will go through to players the next time they check in to synchronize content.

We apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused. We'll update this post as soon this issue is resolved.

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    I am having trouble connecting to our IP address. Our tech department has tried rebooting the TV monitor that my computer connects to.

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    Alex K.

    How are you trying to connect to the brightsign device?

    Are you entering the ip address of the brightsing unit in a web browser?

    BrightAuthor software can't find the unit under Publish - Local Network tab?

    Or BrightSign App can't find the unit?

    Please provide more details.

    I recommend you create a ticket on our support site.

    Edited by Alex K.
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    Setofo Mahlatsi

    "Update: The playlist/feed update problems have been resolved. All playlists and feeds should update correctly the next time players check in with the BrightSign Network servers. "

    Is this problem still persisting, because we seem to be facing the same problem now?

    Edited by Setofo Mahlatsi
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    Jarkko Maikkula

    Client uploaded an image yesterday to BSN's dynamic playlist and status were ok, both on the screen and presentation etc. Only thing that image was not seen on the screen (otherwise playlist ok). We uploaded it again today and it worked fine. This is now second time in quite a short period. Concern is that the screen is on highway and plays payed content, how we can be sure that it plays like a charm?

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    Jacel Jara

    Hello I am having issues with this right now. Our presentations are showing duplicate slides. 

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