XT1144 with AppleTV through hdmi input

Hi there,

i am planning a setup with 9x xt1144 players with an Apple TV on the hdmi input of each device, so users can than switch (via USB Numpad) between brightsign video player and Apple TV (for streaming ipad content, mainly spreadsheets/docs), all via the one USB Numpad. Is there any issue with hdcp for this setup? meaning will the apple TV signal be available without any problem? any insight on this will be highly apreciated!


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    Allen H. Porter

    We regularly pass HDCP content thru the XT without issue. And if there are issues then many HDMI splitters have HDCP pick-off.  Don't tell anyone.  It's supposed to be a secret. :)


    Isn't Apple TV portrait only?



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    Uwe Felski

    it has black bars when ipad content is mirrored, wich is ok in this case, just showing spreadsheets

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    Allen H. Porter

    Moderators might not allow the link I just posted.


    Model REI HDS-102 will remove HDCP encryption.

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