Error connecting to HD 1025 player using BA connected

I made sure that the player does not have one of the following :-

The LWS runs on ports 8008 and 8080, and is only running when the player is operating normally.

Common causes for not being able to communicate with the LWS:

  • Player has not been configured for Local File Networking
  • BrightScript engine has stopped or Player is in reboot loop - failing storage, bad content, or faulty presentation/plugin/script
  • Network filtering/security blocking communication between BrightAuthor and player
  • Firewall/security software blocking communication between BrightAuthor and player
  • Player has changed IP address - you should set a DHCP reserved address so it always gets the same address


And I am able to connect it through Bright Author 5.0. However, I am not able to connect with the same player through BA connected. 

What could be the issue how can i resolve it?

1 comment

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    Brandon Official comment

    I am able to connect it through Bright Author 5.0. However, I am not able to connect with the same player through BA connected. 

    BrightAuthor:connected and BrightAuthor are not interachangeable.  You can only use whichever one you set up the player with to communicate with that player.

    If you set up the player for use with BrightAuthor:connected and are unable to communicate with it via BrightAuthor:connected, then that's an issue and you should submit a support ticket.

    Friendly reminder, the community forum is intended for user-to-user discussion.  It is not regularly monitored. For troubleshooting problems and to ensure a timely answer from a BrightSign representative, please submit a support ticket

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