HTML 5 Widget - Failing net::ERR_TIMED_OUT

I have an Angular website being loaded into an HTML5 Widget in a presentation, and I'm seeing some odd behavior on one group of players.

The site makes an XHR call to get updated data, and it works fine.  Over time, it starts returning "net:ERR_TIMED_OUT" on my calls.  That site is up and working.

If I remote debug, I can make a fetch call on the console in Chrome. and see the error.  If I add a query param to the URL that is being called, like "/info?x=1234545" that call works, and then the call that was failing, starts working again.

It appears something is wonky with a setting on the player.  Has anyone run into this issue, have any thoughts?  Firmware is 8.5.47.



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    Hello this is out of my realm, but a suggestion would be to check browser caching.
    if the application works initially and then overtime stops, then you force a new parameter, i think this would reset the cache?

    just a thought.

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    Dadosky, Nathaniel

    yeah, exactly my thoughts as well...but is there a way to force the browser within brightsign to not cache?

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    Again not an expert but looking it up Angular applications does have a method for disabling the cache.
    this was 7 years ago lol so i'm pretty sure their is a better solution.


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    Mark Richards

    Under Brightauthor try:

    Edit > Preferences > Storage tab.

    You can limit the storage space HTML data which should allow you to disable caching.

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