Breaking changes in API BSN.cloud 2020/10


I've been using an API client to consume the BSN.cloud 2020/10 HTTP API for managing my players for several months. This morning, I encountered several 415 / 400 errors in my app. Upon debugging, I found that I now need to add some extra headers to certain requests, and the behavior of some endpoints has changed.

I searched for an updated API changelog but found none beyond 09/08/23 (https://support.brightsign.biz/hc/en-us/articles/360042962973-BrightAuthor-connected-Release-Notes).

Is there a more recent changelog available?

Additionally, I've been unable to find direct technical support contact information.

Could you guide me on how to contact technical support directly?


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    Camilo Pulido

    After an exchange with the support we found out there was a major framework and serializer version upgrade this monday, so check your client API and see which fields are now required in your client requests that were not required before.

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    Dominic Lennon

    Oh, great.

    So the application I've been using and have now deployed is useless.

    Do you have any further info on the client fields as all I get is a 401 response and the documentation is not very clear

    Any help is greatly appreaciated!



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    Camilo Pulido


    My main problem was retrieving the token and using it in all the different routes. I found out that you need to request your access token using application/x-www-form-urlencoded as the Content-Type in the token request (I noticed this because I received a 415 error in my legacy request). After that, all the routes seemed to be okay, but I had some problems with the upload API. However, those issues might be specific to my implementation.

    I hope this helps. After talking to support, they told me that the major release included more restrictions in the serialization of the fields. So if you have problems, check the response body of the 400 error to see what extra fields you need to add. Sadly, this was quicker than the non-conclusive official support I received.

    Best of luck!


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    Dominic Lennon

    That's awesome, thank you for that, it's so very much appreciated!!!!

    Initial tests are all good!

    thanks again


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    Camilo Pulido

    Happy to hear that :) 

    No worries.

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