A new version of the BrightSign App is available for download from the Apple Store. Please note that this version of the app is only compatible with presentations created in BrightAuthor version or later. If you’d like to update your BrightSign App software, make sure to republish your presentations using the newest version of BrightAuthor (and vice-versa).
We’ve made the following improvements in version 1.0.1 of the BrightSign App:
- The username/password authentication systems for the Diagnostic Web Server and Local Web Server are now compatible with the BrightSign App.
- The UI for managing and selecting active players is now more straightforward.
- Players that are offline are now displayed in red in the Select Unit and Manage Unit windows.
- The Settings window now features an App Info button: Use this button to view the version number of the App and send App activity logs to your Email.
- The iPhone now displays the full numeric keypad when entering an IP address: This provides a fix for regional versions of the iOS where the simple numeric keypad does not feature entering a dot (“.”).
To learn more about these changes, please see the BrightSign App User Guide. For a quick overview of the app, visit the BrightSign App FAQ.