BrightSign App Now Available

We’re happy to announce the release of our new, free BrightSign App for iPad and iPhone. The BrightSign App allows you to broadcast commands to BrightSign players over your local network using UDP (User Datagram Protocol) packets. The app automatically retrieves UDP events in BrightAuthor presentations that are currently active on the network, allowing you to access and activate them using a straightforward UI. You can also use the App to modify User Variables and create new UDP commands on the fly.

The BrightSign App is compatible with all networked BrightSign players, including the XD230, XD1030, XD1230, HD220, HD1020, and HD1010.


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  • 0
    JRB Technical

    What, no Android App???

    May 9, 2013  via Canalys (an independent analyst firm):

    "Over 300m smart devices shipped in Q1 2013,

    59.5% powered by Android,

    19.3% iOS and OS X,

    18.1% Windows"

  • 0
    Chris Wright

    Similar question, but will you be releasing an Android version, and if so, do you have any dates please?



  • 0
    Joaquín Bossié

    i was testing the app on my Ipod touch 5.

    I could not make it work, until I stop typing the IP with the keyboard app (192,168,0,100). then wrote in a note the IP (, copy and paste and this was the solution.

    see the attachment image..




  • 0
    Jacob Smith

    Android Definitely.

  • 0
    Michael Klouda

    Very cool. Thanks for the iPhone app!

  • 0
    Martin Lang

    Yes, please add a android version.

  • 0
    JRB Technical

    When I asked this during the "Creating BrightAuthor Presentations that work with the BrightSign App" Webinar today:

    Q: Is there an Android version of the App coming soon?

    A: No plans for an Android version, sorry.

    So please, speak up, and let BrighSign know that you want an Android version of the app as well!


  • 0
    Jacob Smith

    Somebody in the executive offices an Apple fanboi.

  • 0
    Daniel Brent Berry

    Android please.

  • 0
    Alex K.

    Go to and search for "udp". There is a couple of applications you can download and install on your android device, that will allow you to send udp commands.

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