As of version 4.7.106, BrightSign firmware allows you to publish full-screen HTML pages directly to the player without using BrightAuthor or BrightScript. All you need to do is write the html.index and related content files/folders to the root of the SD card. Naturally, scheduling, publishing, and interactivity options are all very limited when using this option. See this FAQ for more details.
^UD\_$ Trying with a simple index.html without success.
Is there a sample zip to demo direct HTML?
^UD\_$ Looks like the default background color is black, so that is why I'm not seeing the text on the screen...
We are all used to white being the default background color.
Gabriel Wiren I have an question: If I want to creat an nice looking presentation in Wordpress, is there a way to locate all of the information on the player? Also whit the SQL and apache server on the player.
Roni Starc Hardly.
Wordpress required a PHP interpreter and an SQL database. Bot of them are not available on BrightSigns. Also it would probably not be really good performance wise etc. It's sorta like this picture:
If you want to use wordpress for the sake of simplicity of editing a webpage you could make the page you want on a computer (running wordpress) and then using the source code of the displayed page on the BS player. If you don't know what I mean, you probably could not do it (of course with some digging into you could).
Gabriel Wiren Thank you Roni for your reply!
Lets say then that I skip wordpress, but want to use the HTML5 plugin in Bright Author to be able to display good looking CSS readers, weather/clock widgets and or other cool stuff you find in HTML sites. how do I do it? sadly Bright Author don't have good looking stuff to use.
My idea is in the attached that possible or the beast way to do it?
Roni Starc You have basically two options. Put every HTML widget into an own BrightSign zone or make a HTML page that has all the widgets included.
The first will probably consume more resources, as common javascript libraries (like jQuery) will be loaded multipe times (worst case once for every zone). But you can take ready made widgets from the internet, make a zone with the right size and put the HTML widget into the zone. This way the widgets will be independed (e.g if one "crashes") others will work fine. It is easier to do this way if you don't have a lot of experience with HTML coding.
The second can be better resource optimized (all widgets share same code), but you have to combine all different widgets into one page. If there is an error on the page there is a possibility that nothing will be displayed etc.
For your case I would suggest you go the first way - independend zones for each widget (and maybe later combining some). You basically make one zone for each HTML widget you want to use (check the BrightAuthor manual an tutorial videos). Find the widgets you like on the web and use them in the zones (also explained in the tutorials). I am not completely confident, that I understand what you mean with each zone in your image (index site, css reader etc.). Could you write it in a simpler way (like - news from site xx, weather etc.)
Anyway check the BrightSign resources and demo presentations (especially the weather one and others that talk about HTML), you will quickly understand how to insert HTML into your widgets.
par Has this changed somehow? I'm trying to display a simple index.html by placing it in the root of my SD card without any success.
I have not done anything else except configured the BrightSign player with BrightAuthor for Local File Networking.
The index.html only displays a string "Hello". So it should not be any problem.
I'm using model HD1023
Firmware: 6.2.94
I'm hoping that I should be able to update the html files on my BrighSign players with help of ssh to be able to publish automatically.
Anton Just passing through to say that the comment from 2014 about how black text in an HMTL file won't display against the default black BrightAuthor background saved me a minor headache.
Peter Todd Spent way too long bashing my head against this black text on a black background. Struggling to understand why default color wouldn't be something that shows up on default background-color.
Jerry Gill Dead FAQ Link!
I'm able to get my Index.html to open on an LS424, but can't get my links to interact, it's just a static page. Any more resources for this? -
k.4l Dead FAQ link + article probably means index.html instead of html.index.
However, I cannot access index.html, that I put to SD directory via http:///index.html
Does anybody knows why?