Changes to BSN Notification Emails

With the update to BrightSign Network 4.1, some BSN users have begun receiving notifications that they have never received before. This post outlines why we’ve made this change and explains how to revert or modify this change if desired.


Before BrightSign Network 4.1, each BSN account had a single account Email—all account notifications were sent to this single address. However, many BSN accounts have multiple Administrators, each with their own user Email, so we wanted to make it possible for each Administrator to receive account notifications if needed.

BSN 4.1 removes the single account Email, and instead allows each Administrator to enable/disable notifications that will be sent to him or her. To ensure that notifications would not be disabled without an Administrator’s knowledge, notifications were automatically enabled for Administrators according to the following rules:

  1. If a notification type was disabled for the single account Email, it remains disabled for Administrators.
  2. If a notification type was enabled for the single account Email, it is enabled for all Administrators on the account.

In other words, all Administrators now receive, by default, the notifications that were sent to the account email before the update. Note that, even though all users can now customize the notifications they receive (depending on their permissions), non-Administrator users still receive only “Account Suspended” notifications by default. Other notification settings remain unchanged.

Changing Email Preferences

If you wish to revert the notification behavior for your Administrator account, navigate to the Account > Settings tab in the BSN WebUI. Under Email Notifications, uncheck the boxes for Email notifications you do not wish to receive.

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