HTML5 page with login

I am displaying an external webpage on the brightsign. It requires a login to access the site that uses a standard html form. I do not control the website code. I can publish the site and login manually via a keyboard hooked up to the brightsign. but each time I publish a change or reboot the brightsign the login session is lost. Is there a way to auto login when the brightsign first loads.


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    Hi James, If the site doesn't accept HTTP authentication, the only method currently available would be to use something like an X-Keys Switch in Hardware mode to work just like manually typing.

    You could trigger it with a GPIO-controlled relay or other device that can be controlled and act as a simple contact-closure switch.

    You should ensure that site behavior is consistent and the timings are safe to avoid exposing your username/password by accidentally "typing" it into a visible field.

    Once you have it working, you might try hiding the page login by displaying an image over it during the login process, then reload the page (by navigating back to the same HTML5 state) before hiding the cover image.

    If the login fails, you'll get the login page again, which might contain some of the username/password depending on where the failed automated typing ended up, but at least the viewer won't see the entirety of the typing, so as long as the password is longer than the field's display, only part of the password would be visible.

    We're trying to find a good method to automate logins, but given the diverse nature of login pages, it's a challenge.

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    Samuel Platt

    This really is a bit of a drawback. Our CEO wants to be able to display our company Yammer page but it takes you to the sign in page each time. Oddly i can go in to preview, sign in and it works fine but that won't relay over to the content when published. 


    Is my only option to wait until you are able to develop the chance to login to a web page?

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    Samuel Platt

    *Only option other than the above suggestion, which sounds complicated and costly unfortunately. 

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    Joseph Centineo

    We are experiencing the same issue, but different website. 


    Now that HTML5 is a pushable content type, Brightsign needs to incorporate a better system for authenticating on these sites. 

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    For Yammer, you could explore this option




    Which site do you need to show?


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    Joseph Centineo

    This is needed for both internal and external sites. 

    This includes Tableau, ZenDesk, SensorTower and Swrve

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    Samuel Platt

    @^UD\_Sheme5h$ - i could explore that option - but even that link explicitly says you need to login, which is seemingly impossible on Brightsign for any page that requires authentication. 

    Has any sort of system been developed as of yet? 

    I was sent the below by Brightsign support but none of these options work. 

    Yes, you can publish pages that require a login.

    You can add the login information inline with the url. For example, some urls allow you to do something like http://login:password@myserver.com.

    Some may require that the username and password be added to the end of the url like values being passed in with http://www.mywebsite.com?username=test&password=test

    Some customers will whitelist the player ip so it doesn't require a login.

    Some customers use locally installed cert files that can be applied to a player using a plugin for authentication.

    You can also use a html page to log into another page. The idea is you'd modify the page to match the form that your page is looking for. This usually requires inspecting the html page with the login to find the name of the login form as well as the IDs used for the login name field and the password field.



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    Aron Thompson

    Has there been any updates on this? 

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    Joseph Centineo

    These suggestions unfortunately did not solve our issue. Due to the time constraint we were on, we had to switch to a different solution for displaying the web pages. Thank you for the help, this can be closed.

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    Robert Podgorski

    Any progress on this, my customer like to display tableau dashboards on brightsign but Brightsign does not support authentication.

    Anyone had any luck?

    Almost hard to believe that units can not support html authentication especially now as everything require some sort of security.


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    Jeff E

    You can write a javascript that enters the login credentials to the webpage. And then add a plugin to your presentation that waits for the load-finished event from the HtmlWidget and use the InjectJavascript method to call that javascript.

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    @Jeff E

    Thank you for the advice. Do you have time to provide a generic example? 

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    Jeff E

    Hi Terry,

    Here is an example of how I was able to get this to work.

    Create a Presentation that has an HTML5 state in one of your video zones. Then create a script plugin similar to the code at the end of this post and add it to the presentation, the name in this case is sendWebLogin.

    In this example I am storing the javascript named ttlogin.js on the sd card. You can also just include the javascript directly in this brightscript file like so.


    You can use the console in Chrome's developer tools to figure out the specifics for your javascript.


    Function sendWebLogin_Initialize(msgPort As Object, userVariables As Object, bsp As Object)

    sendWebLogin = newSendWebLogin(msgPort, userVariables, bsp)
    return sendWebLogin

    End Function

    Function newSendWebLogin(msgPort As Object, userVariables As Object, bsp As Object)

    'create the new object

    s.objectName = "sendWebLogin_object"
    s.msgPort = msgPort
    s.userVariables = userVariables
    s.bsp = bsp
    s.htmlwidget = invalid ' We'll use the FindHTMLWidget method to set this later
    s.ProcessEvent = sendWebLogin_ProcessEvent

    return s
    End Function

    Function sendWebLogin_ProcessEvent(event As Object) as boolean

    m.htmlwidget = FindHTMLWidget(m.bsp) 'find the htmlwidget in the presentation

    'Receive a plugin message
    if type(event) = "roHtmlWidgetEvent" then
    eventData = event.getData()
    if type(eventData) = "roAssociativeArray" and type(eventData.reason) = "roString" then

    if eventData.reason = "load-finished" then

    end if
    end if
    end if

    return false

    End Function

    Function FindHTMLWidget(bsp)
    for each baZone in bsp.sign.zonesHSM
    if baZone.loadingHtmlWidget <> invalid then
    return baZone.loadingHtmlWidget
    end if
    end for
    print "Couldn't find htmlwidget"
    return false
    End Function
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    @Jeff E
    Thank you for taking the time to demo this!

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    @Jeff E

    I am trying your example and getting black screen. Do you have any suggestions? 

    Thank you

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    Jeff E


    Have you tried enabling the javascript console on your presentation and using the Chromium devtools to see if you are getting javascript errors? 

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    @Jeff E

    Thanks, it helped me!

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    Mohamad Nizam

    Hi All, 

    Anybody can help me on method that provided by Jeff E?
    is the brightsign script still working?

    I have tried but nothing happen. Its still showing the login page. Anyone can assist me on this?
    Below is sample login page. Can someone provide me sample of javascript.

    Link: http://demo3.ispconfig.org/
    Username: client
    Password: demo

    Thanks in advance. Appreciate your help. 

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    Jeff E

    @Mohamad Nizam

    You need to be able to find the elements of the DOM so that you can inject the javascript. You can inject the javascript directly into the brightscript. 

    From looking at the demo page you provided I can find the username text box, password text box and submit button and interact as follows


    Putting that into my previous example


    Function sendWebLogin_ProcessEvent(event As Object) as boolean

    m.htmlwidget = FindHTMLWidget(m.bsp)
    m.htmlwidget.enableSecurity({insecure_https_enable : true})

    if type(event) = "roHtmlWidgetEvent" then
    eventData = event.getData()
    if type(eventData) = "roAssociativeArray" and type(eventData.reason) = "roString" then
    print "event data reason ==>"; eventData.reason
    if eventData.reason = "load-finished" then
    print "calling javascript login"

    end if
    end if
    end if

    return false

    End Function


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    Mohamad Nizam

    @ Jeff E

    You are great man.. its working. Thanks bro. 
    Now my html site can auto login. Thanks once again. 

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    Mohamad Nizam

    Hi Jeff E & Brighstsin Support,

    I managed to set the html to auto login by using brs script that shared by Jeff E . But just want to ask, can we redirect or jump to other page after login? Can we use javascript method like below code in brs to redirect? 

    window.location.href = "http://example.com/new_url";

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    Thaddius Cho

    Hey @Jeff E. 

    Im new to BrightAuthor and BrightSign so excuse me if this has been explained already. 

    Im trying to use our XD234's as Tableau Dashboards and found this script. 

    I replaced the line:


    With what I believe would work on Tableau, but cant seem to get it to work. 

    I may not be understanding how to add a script to the Presentation. 

    Are we using BrightAuthor:Connected to do all this or BrightAuthor? 

    I attempted with BrighAuthor:Connected to direct the HTML5 Content to the tableau site and added a Script Plugin and it just causes my Brightplayer to constantly reboot instead. 

    Any advice you have here? 

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    Hi I can get a username and password added ok to the end of the url with http://www.mywebsite.com?username=test&password=test

    the web site login and password fields both get populated in the site popup and its waiting for a enter key or mouse click either one works on the popup

    how can I add an enter command at the end of the URL link above?

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    Warren Miller

    @Jeff E,

    I have tried using the script as per your example, but cant get my presentation to login in. I currently have an LS423 test unit, perhaps its the unit?

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    Jeff E

    @Warren Miller

    It looks like the "Entry Level HTML 5" should still support brightscript and javascript.

    I have found that this method does not always work with every login enabled website. It took me a lot of trial and error with a player in debug mode as well as chromium developer tools.

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    Warren Miller

    Thanks for the reply @Jeff E

    I have figured out how to get the required login elements from a web page. Using these elements in Chrome I can login, but when I add a script plugin to my presentation, i just get a black screen and player goes into a boot loop.

    I created a .brs file (elements inserted in script) based on your examples above, which i added to my presentation, and i have enabled Javascript console.

    One last thing, when i try the script with inserted elements in Chrome i get an "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier" error message.

    Been a few years since i last work with JS, so my syntax is very rusty :-)

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    Sverre Andersen

    Using tips and autorun script found in this thead I'm able to login to my application.

    Two questions:

    1. How would you trigger redirect to other page after logon is done? Now it only shows the default page.
    2. Why login forced each time the HTML5 is reloaded? Looks like the session is killed with each reload.
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    Hi Sverre Andersen this is great news, as end users we have bee asking for this for 2-3 years. Please upload your autorun & .bpf file and the script plugin you used. The community would be very thankful . Any screen shots would be a bonus Thank You for your discovery time and effort.

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    Graeme Little

    @Jeff E, would be most grateful for your assistance please?
    So this is the page I am logging in to.


    Do I have the wrong Field names?

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    Jeff E

    @Graeme Little,

    It looks like you have the correct field names. Are the values set to the correct username and password? Do you see the text boxes getting filled in when the page loads or any login error? Do you have the script file specified in the presentation properties > Autorun?

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