Installed Qt WebEngine locales directory not found...

I keeping running into websites that will either, A) not load at all, or B) display incorrectly, on our XD232 units.

In every case that I am having these issues I find this error in the BrightPlayer log:

Installed Qt WebEngine locales directory not found at location /share/qt5/translations/qtwebengine_locales. Trying application directory...
[ 35.914] Qt WebEngine locales directory not found at location /bin/qtwebengine_locales. Trying fallback directory... Translations MAY NOT not be correct.
[ 36.381] [0307/161518:WARNING:resource_bundle.cc(291)] locale_file_path.empty() for locale

An example site that is not displaying properly and is generating this message is:


Another one is:


I have tried adding these sites as through a presentation in BrightAuthor as well as through this autorun:

Sub Main()
msgPort = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
r = CreateObject("roRectangle", 0, 0, 1920, 1080)
h = CreateObject("roHtmlWidget", r)
while true
msg = wait(0, msgPort)
print "type(msg)=";type(msg)
if type(msg) = "roHtmlWidgetEvent" then
eventData = msg.GetData()
if type(eventData) = "roAssociativeArray" and type(eventData.reason) = "roString" then
print "reason = ";eventData.reason
if eventData.reason = "load-error" then
print "message = ";eventData.message
end while
End Sub

Why are none of these working? I can view the sites without issue on various computers.



  • -1

    The JavaScript console may help you understand the cause for issue.

    Also, I would enable external data on the HTML5 state, and if that doesn't work, look for a way to force the User Agent String to make the BrightSign player look like a common desktop browser.

    Are there any other sites that do show normally?

  • 0
    Nathan Beranger

    Hello UD|_Sheme5h,

    Thank you for your response.

    I have enabled the console but don't really know what I am looking at. I have alway enabled external data when I add a site.


    "force the User Agent String to make the BrightSign player look like a common desktop browser."

    Can you give some instructions on how I do this?



  • 0
    Nathan Beranger

    I should also add, these problematic sites display fine in the BrightAuthor preview, just not when I publish them.

  • 0
    Nathan Beranger

    Any update on this? I am really getting frustrated that I am able to get sites displaying properly in the BrightAuthor preview window but not when I publish them to a presentation.



  • 0

    I'll try to help, but with no guarantee :)


    Every web browser identify itself with a User-Agent string, when it requests a web page from a web server.

    The user-agent contains the type of browser, and the platform it runs on.

    Go to this page with different web browsers to get the idea. ( You can point the player to that address too, and see how it looks to web sites)




    That server, may conditionally respond differently to different browser versions, and different platforms.

    My guess is that the problem site, do not recognize the BrightSign user-agent, and get confused.

    You could try and force the user-agent on the player, so sites see it as a browser running on someone's desktop.

    How to do that, is a different question.

    Stay tuned...

  • 0
    Nathan Beranger

    Thank you UD|_Sheme5h. Could you try testing out the www.wsj.com website on your end with one of your XD232 players and see if you can get it working?


    There are other sites that are not working either, but that being a public site I figure it would be the best one to test with.



  • 0

    I found this in the autorun.brs file


    ' Create device specific User-Agent string
    BSP.userAgent$ = "BrightSign/" + sysInfo.deviceUniqueID$ + "/" + sysInfo.deviceFWVersion$ + " (" + sysInfo.deviceModel$ + ")"


    In theory, you could change that, and select the modified autorun in BrightAuthor.

    Presentation Properties -> Autorun


    You could try and change the user agent like so:

    BSP.userAgent$ = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/51.0"


    That would make web servers think the player is a Firefox running on Mac.

    You should try different strings and see which works best.

    I hope that helped.

  • 0
    Nathan Beranger

    Thanks again. I've tried creating a custom autorun and adding it to the presentation. No luck though. I've tried the line you supplied, as well as getting three others from the site you provided. I tried what showed up for me when using Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. With all three though I am still only getting a blank screen when I publish the presentation. As before though, the site displays in the BrightAuthor preview.

  • 0


    Please confirm with http://www.whatsmyua.com/ that the custom user-agent is indeed detected.

  • 0
    Nathan Beranger

    Here is a pic of what I see when I access that site from the XD232




  • 0

    Excellent! That is the good stuff.

    That indicates, that the custom user-agent string in the autorun, is NOT being used.

    Please check the process.

    You need to edit a copy of the autorun file, and assign it to your presentation in BrightAuthor Presentation Properties.

    Save the presentation in BA! (Easy to forget)

    Publish the modified presentation to your player.


    You may be able to simply edit the autorun.brs file, directly on the SD card, but it would get overwritten the next time you publish.

    Up to you.


  • 0
    Nathan Beranger

    Hmmm... In the autorun I've replaced this line:

    BSP.userAgent$ = "BrightSign/" + sysInfo.deviceUniqueID$ + "/" + sysInfo.deviceFWVersion$ + " (" + sysInfo.deviceModel$ + ")"

    with this line:

    BSP.userAgent$ = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36"

    I've then added a this custom autorun file under the presentation properites in BA, saved it, and uploaded it to the BrightSign network.

    I then tried editing the autorun on the SD card as well so that it matches to see if it would make any difference. It did not.

  • 0

    BSN should be introduced last into the mix, because there is an additional layer of complexity, with is the autorun version number.

    Test by publishing locally first, and then upload to BSN.


    You would need to make sure that the version number is higher from what is currently on BSN.

    Otherwise it will be ignored.

  • 0
    Nathan Beranger

    I should clarify that earlier comment.

    When I check http://www.whatsmyua.com/ I can see that it is now showing the XD232 as if it were Chrome. I'm just not getting any different result with www.wsj.com That page still does not load.

  • 0

    You are not seeing the desired user-agent my friend.

    It should look exactly like you set it in the autorun.

    "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36"


    Instead, what is showing in the picture you sent, is the user-agent that starts with BrightSign, as originally programmed by BrightSign

    BSP.userAgent$ = "BrightSign/" +....

  • 0
    Nathan Beranger

    Correct, in the picture I originally posted that is what was showing. This is what is now showing however and I am still not able to load the site www.wsj.com in the presentation.




  • 0

    Much better.

    I'll be able to test here later.

    Which player model and firmware?

    Which BA version?

  • 0
    Nathan Beranger

    Currently I am using XD232 units in our office. They are all on firmware version 6.2.94 and I am using BA


    Thanks again for your help with this, really appreciate it.

  • 0

    Seeing the black screen.

    It took some time, but it is showing the wsj.com site, without me having to do anything special.

    Firmware is 6.1.100.

    Getting JS errors in the console, but pages loads eventually

    Access the JS console with Chrome Canary


    Click Console tab


    Trying now on 6.2.x

  • 0

    I cannot reproduce the issue with sites wsj.com nor with apple.com.

    Have you examined the JS console?

    Look for lines in red, and see if you can learn anything from it.

    You may be looking at a firewall issue, or network timeout and such.


    If the players are on their own network, try to connect a laptop in place of a player, using the player's network cable, and see if you can access those sites normally.


  • 0
    Nathan Beranger

    Hmmm. Interesting. So both sites are displaying without issue for you then?

    Our players are on their own network and I have been told are not being blocked by any firewall. I will however see if I can try what you suggest and connect a laptop on that same network, as well as maybe trying a BS player on another network.


    I have looked at the JS console, but I don't really know enough about it to know what I am looking at.



  • 0

    Thinking about it, I tried a single site at a time, while you have two at once, if I understand correctly.

    Can you try a single HTML zone at a time, and see if it different?

  • 0
    Nathan Beranger

    I actually only have one site at a time.

    Originally you said that you only got a black screen. What did you change on your end so that you were able to get the sites to display?


    I haven't been able to pull the BS player to try on a different network but I did connect my laptop to the same network as the BS players and it had no issues in displaying any of the problematic sites.

    I'm still scratching my head too as to why all these sites display fine in the BA preview.

  • 0

    Initially I did get a black screen, but after it sat for a while, the content showed.

    Try to set HTML refresh to 0, or set it to several minutes, so it gets a chance to load the content.

    When you preview in BA, you are not using the same browser as the player does.

    Is your computer, and the players on the same network segment?

    The way that I use BA preview is, if it works then great, if it doesn't, it doesn't mean anything...

    In your case, if it works in BA preview, it doesn't mean anything... :)

  • 0
    Nathan Beranger

    Where do I set the HTML refresh time? I see a "Time on screen" under HTML options (which is set to 0/unlimited). I don't see a HTML refresh option anywhere though.

    Since you have a working presentation, would you be able to send me the file to try on my player?

  • 0

    Working presentation



    For some reason I'm not seeing "Time on Screen". Can you send a screenshot showing where that is?

    (I assumed that you use a timer event to reload the page...)

  • 0
    Nathan Beranger

    The only difference I see between your presentation and mine is that your's is interactive. That is also why you don't see the "Time on Screen" option. It does not appear in an interactive presentation.


    I've got your presentation published to one of my players now and so far just have a black screen. I also checked the console and don't see anything showing up in red. I'll leave it running for a bit though and let you know how it goes.



  • 0
    Nathan Beranger

    As of right now I am still just staring at a black screen.


    I'm going to bring one of these BS players home over the weekend to test on my network to see if I get different results.


    I will let you know on Monday how it goes. Than you once again for all your help.

  • 0

    At some point you would probably need to have a conversation with IT, so it is best if you had information that they can work with.

    You could enable logging on a player, and examine those logs, or send them over to BrigthSign support, for further investigation.

    It seems like you may be looking at latency of some sort, blocked ports, quality of service issue, DNS issue. Hard to tell without logs.

    The player's log may shed some light on this thing.

  • 0
    Nathan Beranger

    The players logs are all quite vague. I've seen the error that I posted as the topic for this conversation but that has now gone away, since changing the UA. As for network issues, my network team hasn't been able to find anything. I'll see how things go on my home network though. I can submit logs to BS support, but so far they have not been very responsive. We have a few tickets open and they have either not responded or have just stopped responding.

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