Notice: The Weather Underground API is being retired at the end of 2018.
This weather widget shows date and time along with animations. The widget includes the various weather images so you could easily use another weather service for the data that controls which animations are displays. You'll need to register with Weather Underground to get an API key.
The widget works full screen or in a zone, landscape or portrait.
Download HTML Weather Widget Here
Add HTML Site (your local weather html)
There are three variables that the weather uses: Key, City, and US State or Country. You'll need to fill those in.
Custom Device Page
On the variables tab, you will also need to browse and select the custom device page url, in the DWP folder.
With the custom device page, you will be able to log into the player at port 8008 and change the city and state or your key.
Time Format: 12 Hour / 24 hr
The time defaults to 24hr format, but you can change it to 12hr format by editing the weather.js file.
Find this line:
Change to this:
$('#time').html(moment().format('H:mm:ss a'));