Glitching Videos XD1034

I have a player that seems to have issues running videos they all have glitching on them example below, I'm not sure if its the videos or the unit or the SD card, it seems to be happening on nearly every video so it would be unlikely for them all to be faulty.....


Has anyone had experience with this and have any thoughts?






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    Ken Campbell

    It's not your player. The problem is with your videos. Google "macroblocking". Likely incorrect export/compression settings. It can have different root causes, but incorrect GOP settings and too low a bitrate are the likely culprits.

    Edit: I just saw that it's a What's App recording. Could be what I mentioned above, missing I-frames or I-frame spacing too long, or just upstream transcoding and/or transmission errors. If you want to test your players, try working from a known good test video.


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    If the videos played back without problems in the past, try a new SD card as it could simply be decreased performance due to card wear and it can no longer keep up with the transfer rate.

    If the videos have not played correctly in the past, then Ken is likely correct that it is incompatible encoding.

    Friendly reminder, the community forum is intended for user-to-user discussion.  It is not regularly monitored. For troubleshooting problems and to ensure a timely answer from a BrightSign representative, please submit a support ticket

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    I suspect it might be the sd cards, seems static images or slow moving ones are not affected and after checking the card spec they only have a 50mb write speed, the other unit on the same site we provided (we didn't p void the problem unit) has no issues but has a 190mb card, whats the recommendation need speed?

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    So, a bit more info, after changing over both the unit and card the same issue still occurs.


    I then wondered if there was possibly some issue with using H264 at higher framerates (50 in this case) so encoded the video in H265 and all the glitches went away.

    Seems that H264 works for up to around 20fps and then anything over that starts to get really flaky and 265 then seems to resolve that issue, is this a normal thing?

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    Ken Campbell

    Supported video modes by series and model:


    I -think- Brightsigns only support H264 decoding up to 30p.

    One thing you haven’t mentioned is whether your Brightsign video mode is matching your media’s. If not, performance goes down as it has to temporally scale* in real time (*my term, BrightsignOS uses GStreamer under the hood so I'm guessing it uses the videorate element in the pipeline, which can cause elevated CPU use and spiking... not according to the docs, but life is never so simple: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40094280/why-does-decreasing-the-framerate-with-videorate-incur-a-significant-cpu-perform).  

    If you’re not able to get 30p or 25p working smoothly, and you’ve ruled out the card and player, we’re back to export/compression settings. Could be a peak bitrate problem if you can’t get past 20fps.

    With all that being said, H265 is the way to go. I haven’t transcoded anything to H264 in years.



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    H.264 (AVC) works up to 60 fps, but there are restrictions by model, especially using portrait orientation.

    H.264 is definitely more restricted compared to H.265 (HEVC) due to the hardware decoder.

    As Ken noted, if the player has to rate-conform or scale that can also introduce limits, and when possible encoding to H.265 is preferred as it's both more efficient and supports higher bitrates on the current hardware.

    Friendly reminder, the community forum is intended for user-to-user discussion.  It is not regularly monitored. For troubleshooting problems and to ensure a timely answer from a BrightSign representative, please submit a support ticket

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    Model is a XD1034 so I wouldn't have expected it to be on such a knife edge.

    The footage after some further inspection was 1080p50 H264 after changing to H265 all my problems went away.

    I've now re-specified as it seems Artists who send in footage cant read, that all footage must be 1080p60 H265 if I have to keep reencoding their work because they cant read I'm going to have to start charging more.

    Thanks for the help, Its been a much more informative issue than I had expected.

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    Bright Scripters

    The Diagnostics Web Server UI has a great feature that can help.

    It can draw a graph of video files' bitrate over time, showing peaks of throughput which helps with optimizing encoding parameters.

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    Hanna Jordon

    There are two possible causes for glitching videos on your XD1034 device. One is that your SD card is worn out and cannot handle the data transfer rate of the videos. You can try using a new SD card and see if that solves the problem. The other is that your videos are encoded in a format that is not compatible with the XD1034. 

    Best regards, Hanna from CodeIT

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