Ultra wide resolutions
I have two ultra wide resolution monitors that I need to feed content and a few HD1010's here in the shop. So naturally, I'm wondering if I can use them to feed the displays. The display's are: LG M3801SCBN, 1920x520 native NEC X431BT, 1920x480 native So I already know BrightAuthor won't allow me to select either resolution, so I guess I'm looking for a hack. Any thoughts? ...First thought is to see what happens (which i'll do tomorrow) when I feed either display a 1920x1080 output from the HD1010 - hoping it will crop from either the top or bottom. If that's the case, I guess I create a 1920x1080 project and don't exceed 480 or 520 pixels vertical with any of my zones (if it works). But, I'd prefer to be able to somehow create a 1920x520 or 1920x480 project in BrightAuthor if at all possible as it would be easier to manage. <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->