Ultra wide resolutions

I have two ultra wide resolution monitors that I need to feed content and a few HD1010's here in the shop. So naturally, I'm wondering if I can use them to feed the displays. The display's are: LG M3801SCBN, 1920x520 native NEC X431BT, 1920x480 native So I already know BrightAuthor won't allow me to select either resolution, so I guess I'm looking for a hack. Any thoughts? ...First thought is to see what happens (which i'll do tomorrow) when I feed either display a 1920x1080 output from the HD1010 - hoping it will crop from either the top or bottom. If that's the case, I guess I create a 1920x1080 project and don't exceed 480 or 520 pixels vertical with any of my zones (if it works). But, I'd prefer to be able to somehow create a 1920x520 or 1920x480 project in BrightAuthor if at all possible as it would be easier to manage. <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->


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    Those kinds of displays normally will only look at the portion of the signal that they support. In brightauthor, you can go to the layout tab, and make sure your zones are no taller than 520 pixels for example, that way the content you're playing will fit those dimesions, and the rest of the 1920x1080 signal will be unused.
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    JRB Technical

    Did this work for the 16:4 display size (1920 x 520), using 1920 x 1080 with a 1920 x 530 zone centered?

    Also, are there any plans on adding the 21:9 display size (2560 x 1080) to be available in BrightAuthor and on BrightSigns?

    The Ultra Widescreens Displays are becoming very popular for Menu Boards and Digital Signage, but not if you can't output content to them with BrightSign players.


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    JRB Technical

    I have had yet another client ask about ultra wide displays (21:9 display size 2560 x 1080) and BrightSign units.

    Will the new 4K player output in the 2560 x 1080 resolution?  Or is BrightSign making any considerations for the Ultra Wide Displays that more and more people are using for Digital Signage?

    It would be nice if there was at least one BrightSign player that can output in this resolution.


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    I know the 4k player will support the higher 3840x2160 resolution so it will at least be capable of doing a lower resolution. I'll ask the developers. The current hardware can't do above 1920x1080. We can drive 1080p at very high bitrates, but the display would need to scale the 1920x1080 to fill the screen. But, that doesn't give you the wider real estate. 

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    John, or senior video developer says that the 4k player can support 2560x1080.

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    JRB Technical

    Thank you very much, that is good news.  I will keep an eye on the the upcoming release of the 4K players.


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    JRB Technical

    Has anyone been able to confirm that the 4K players will in fact do native 2560x1080 resolution for 21:9 Ultra Wide Displays? This resolution is not listed anywhere on the 4K Datasheet other than the statement "*Additional display resolutions are supported".


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    The 4K player could indeed do it and It is on the list of new features that we hope to add at some point in the future but we do not have a date as of when support for it would be available.


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    Is using a 2560x1080 display now supported?  I am looking to use one for captioning and before I purchase the screen and 4K player, I'd like to know if this is supported.  Thanks!

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    Still on the future enhancement list at this time.

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    JRB Technical

    It would be great if this could be supported, hopefully sooner than later.

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    Frank Lentz

    Another Brightsign integrator here that would find 21:9 native resolutions most useful for store displays etc.

    Stretching is good!  

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    Frank,  there is no official support that I am aware of.  I was able to get around this by creating the 2560x1080 canvas in Final cut pro x.  I then export it as 1080p and the display stretches it back.  I am only using it as a captioning device but I do not see any ill effects from the crush and stretch method.  This is playing from an xd1032.

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    Frank Lentz

    Patrick131, that's interesting.  What resolution are you rendering at in FCP?  Are you squeezing your image to compensate for the monitor stretching it out to 2560?  Thanks for your help.


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    Yes, I work in Final Cut at 2560 then export to 1080x1920.  The monitor stretches it back to 2560, so if you were to look at the 1080p file after export it will look slightly squished.

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    JRB Technical

    I have been told both here and by others at BrightSign that the 4K player hardware is capable of supporting native 2560x1080 with out having to do any stretching or any other tricks.

    It seems that they just don't want to take the time to implement it in the Firmware/BrightAuthor for some reason, even though many people are wanting to do this.

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    Frank Lentz

    Yeah, it's a shame.

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    JRB Technical

    I saw LG's new Ultra Stretch displays at InfoComm 17. These are 86" class displays with 3840x600 (58:9 aspect) resolution in Extended Wide format. Model number is 86BH5C. 


    Another great format for Digital Signage uses, but will it be supported by BrightSign???

    I had one person at BrightSign say yes, and another dodged the question and wouldn't really answer. So I am going to assume the answer is really no, not yet.

    Is BrightSign ever going to get on board with some of these Ultra Wide display resolutions that the Digital Signage market keeps coming out with?

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    Bright Scripters

    Since the LG 86" is 3840px wide, I would assume that feeding it with a 4K 3480x2160 from a BrightSign should work.

    One would expect to only see the top 600px of the 4K frame.


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    This resolution is supported in firmware, and is in an internal ba version starting with I know of a couple installations where we've sent out this ba release early so someone could install one of these ultra wide displays. This brightauthor should be out within the next month barring any bugs found in testing that need to be fixed.  


    I also know of one customer whose ultra wide did accept full 4k resolution; this model below. They installed 5 of these displays, one wall of 2, and one wall of 3. So some of these displays do work fine if you set the output to 3840x2160, which is what we'd recommended in the past for anyone asking about one of these displays. 




    This screenshot is from ba

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    JRB Technical

    Thank you!

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    Erik Franzen

    I am using a XT1143 Player and a LG Ultra wide monitor on the 2560x1080 setting.  it only show the upper right part of the graphic when I make a presentation with these settings.  the graphic I am using is also a 2560x1080 size. 

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    Bright Scripters

    Do you know if the player is actually playing at the resolution of 2560x1080?

    Are you forcing the player to 2560x1080, or is it auto detecting?

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    Erik Franzen

    when I log into the player by web address it says it is displaying 2560x1080.  Plus if I push any other resolution I get a message on the monitor that says please use 2560x1080.

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    what resolution does the display say it's set to?

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    if you could post the image and the bpf file that would be helpful.

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    Erik Franzen

    I have put in a ticket with the export files.


    Ticket 58637

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    Erik Franzen

    I added Pics to the Ticket so you can see what it looks like.

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