HD 222 default username / password

Hi All !

i have a HD 222 that i cant acess to the web-gui. 

Does anyone know what the default

usernamne nad password is ?

Or if i can reset the unit to the deafult values ?


Thanks in advance

Magnus, Scekab, Sweden


  • 0
    Monica Knutson

    Hello Magnus,

    Was the HD222 initially setup with the Diagnostic Web Server enabled?


    Here is an example on a Local File Networking setup:

    • In the BrightAuthor application, goto TOOLS > SETUP BRIGHTSIGN UNIT.
    • Tick the box for Enable Diagnostic Web Server
    • Setup with any other settings you need for name, description, networking, time zone
    • Choose the publishing type from standalone, networked with local or simple file networking or BrightSign Network
    • Save the setup files to a an SD card
    • Place the SD card into the BrightSign and power cycle it
    • Publish the presentation once setup is complete to your player by your selected method
    • Access the diagnostic web server from the IP address of your player


  • 0
    magnus söderman

    Hi Monica


    Yes it is setup by someone else as webserver. But i dont know

    the username or password. I get to the login page via the ip-adress.

    I dont want to put another setupfile on the card if the corrupts the card

    and the media files 

  • 0
    Monica Knutson

    Traditionally, it was the username admin and then the serial number of the player was the password.  Give that a go...


  • 0
    Sanjay Messam

    Thank you Monica, the "admin" and "serial number" worked

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