videos synchronized with stop video button

Good day, I have 5 players in synchronization, 4 HD1025 and an AU335 for Dolby audio. The synchronization works well, but now they ask me for a welcome image at startup and to activate the video with buttons. I will do this with the GPIO ports activated by relays in a system. RTI control to do it from an iPad in my master presentation I am setting the GPIO event and it works when you press it starts the video with the parts synchronized but when you press the button again only the master returns to the welcome image while the other players restart the video, I have my synchronization event when the video starts, for the other players to return to the welcome image do I have to parallelize the GPIO Ports with that same button?


  • 0
    Bright Scripters

    You could send UDP from the master players to the rest of the players.
    The non master players would respond to a UDP message through a UDP event.

  • 0
    Jonathan Gonzalez

    Thanks, I was able to solve it that way using UDP commands when I press the buttons

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