Importing BA schedules to BAconnected

Is there a way to import complex schedules saved in BA into BAconnected? I have imported Presentations, but can't see way to do that with schedules?


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    Bright Scripters

    Can you share a link to the schedule file here?

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    Here is the XML file of the old schedule. I see the new one is a bpsx and different script format....
    Any way to convert the old to new format?
    This would be easier than rebuilding the schedule....
    Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <autoschedule version="1.0" group="LocalStorageGroup">
          <name>Get to Class</name>
          <fileName>Get to Class.bpf</fileName>
          <filePath>C:\Users\rmehl\Documents\Brigthsign\Projects\Get to Class.bpf</filePath>
          <name>Get to Class</name>
          <fileName>Get to Class.bpf</fileName>
          <filePath>C:\Users\rmehl\Documents\Brigthsign\Projects\Get to Class.bpf</filePath>
          <name>Get to Class</name>
          <fileName>Get to Class.bpf</fileName>
          <filePath>C:\Users\rmehl\Documents\Brigthsign\Projects\Get to Class.bpf</filePath>
          <name>Get to Class</name>
          <fileName>Get to Class.bpf</fileName>
          <filePath>C:\Users\rmehl\Documents\Brigthsign\Projects\Get to Class.bpf</filePath>
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    Bright Scripters

    Seems like rebuilding the schedule in Connected is not too hard to do.

    Do you have many schedule files to convert?

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