Brightsign Logging and Input/Triggering for AU335

Hi there - first time user - actually zero time user as I was hoping to see if a Audio player AU335 is capable!

So the scenario is - want a user to be able to select an audio file they would like to play (local Sound file on SD Card) in the language they want and listen through headphones.

There are multiple languages of the same content - would like to:

a) Hook up a couple of headphones to a unit (independent output so one person could choose one language and another could choose the same or another language)

b) Log the time/date and language that was selected - and if possible the length of time played (suppose registering a stop command)

c) What is the chance of being able to play one headphone through the audio out port, and another headphone output via HDMI (convertor)?

Thank you - appreciate your time


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    Ken Campbell

    Is point a) a hard requirement? I've worked at a national gallery for 10+ years and we deploy listening stations with all manner of media players with dual headphones. Not once have we had a requirement for (or had feedback from the public asking for) multiple -simultaneous- languages from a single station. The headphones are always on a splitter or a headphone amplifier receiving the same content.

    For b), it's easy enough to do local logging to the local storage device. We tend to just hook into network-based analytics platforms when it's required. You can also just do HTTP GETs or POSTs to your own back end (ie. LAMP stack) and process it with your own script, if you want to roll something basic yourself and you have the necessary skills and support in house. Not sure how you're planning on catching the "stop command"...

    For c) it is possible to play back different audio files on different hardware audio output channels, but there are some constraints, and I only know how to do it using Brightscript, not BrightAuthor. Lots of developer info here:

    roAudioPlayer - Documentation - BrightSign Documentation (atlassian.net)

    Best of luck!


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