Live Video - HLS stream - Network outage resilience

Hi, I am using BrightAuthor on windows to push a presentation over the local network to a BrightSign XT1144 player.  

My presentation contains a "Live Video" and I put my HLS stream into the URL field.

This works well and plays the stream fine.   However, when I stop the stream at the server end (by removing the m3u8 and the ts files) and then restart the stream - the playback is not resumed at all.  It just hangs forever.

Also, if I disrupt the network by unplugging the ethernet cable from the player and then reconnect the player - the player also does not resume the stream.

Is there anything I can do to make it more resilient? 

Thanks and hope you can help,



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    Ken Campbell

    It is possible to make things more robust on the Brighsign when operating as a streaming/HLS client; catch and respond to network outages (local link and upstream), dropouts, restarts, etc. I had to write something for the Venice Biennale years ago that ran unattended for several months. I did everything using a state machine and event handlers, listening to and taking action on roVideoPlayer event message relating to playback and streaming states:

    roVideoEvent, roAudioEvent - Documentation - BrightSign Documentation (atlassian.net)

    Also listening to and acting on a bunch of different network-level events:

    Networking Objects - Documentation - BrightSign Documentation (atlassian.net)

    For example, listening for roNetworkAttached and roNetoworkDetached events to change state and re-establish a connection to the streaming server as required.

    I remembering the code getting quite large in order to effectively deal with all the things that could go wrong.  Comparing hashes of the .m3u8 file to determine if it was stale was something I ended up using to help with server restarts, if I’m remembering things correctly.




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    Robin Carlisle

    thanks for the tips and links!   I will get on to that.  Lots to learn.

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