Development environment

I'm wondering what setup you guys use to develop brightscript (or node for that matter). Currently i'm either writing my files to an USB and plugging that in, rebooting the device. Or i use the web interface to upload new codefiles and a terminal session to execute them again.

Neither are very convenient, is there some better way? Ideally i'd push the file on save from VSCode, but i cant find a way to enable FTP on the brightsign.


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    Gerald Holdsworth

    As far as I am aware, FTP is not available on Brightsigns.

    Developing in VSCode, then uploading via the DWS, then stopping and restarting the new code via the terminal is how I do it. It works for me and isn't too much of a problem. It works for both Windows and Mac.

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    tijmen van den heuvel

    Thanks for the response!

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    you can use sftp ones you enabled the ssh port

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    tijmen van den heuvel

    I'm actually having some success uploading files via VSCode itself too. Using this rest client plugin its possible to do a PUT request to `/api/v1/files/sd`.

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    Ken Campbell

    For developing smaller sections of especially complex code, or when working with Brightscript objects you're not familiar with, nothing beats live-coding directly on device using the debug console. Any day that I'm doing development work on a project, I probably spend an hour live-coding, as it's faster than the alternative edit-upload-restart-debug cycle.


    Very handy if you have any amount of development involving the roSqliteDatabase and related objects, regular expression work, content management objects, double checking JSON structures, etc. Sometimes I'll just use it to verify variable types are correct when transforming data between objects. 



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