XT1144 black screen Xtrem11 camera Input

Hi, I'm using Xtrem11 Camera sport on input HDMI XT1144 et connect output to one monitor .It's 1920x1080 60fps but it's don't working. If i directly connect the Xtrem on monitor it's working . I've try with Gopro Camera Hero 7 1920x1080 25fps on the Player and it's working well. So i'm asking if it's maybe a problem with HDCP because i can't know if the Xtrem use it . But i don't understand how can i force HDCP with "roVideoMode" could you explain to me please ?



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    Norma Shah

    Hi, I'm using Xtrem11 Camera sport on input HDMI XT1144 et connect output to one monitor .It's 1920x1080 60fps but it's don't working. If i directly connect the Xtrem on monitor it's working . I've try with Gopro Camera Hero 7 1920x1080 25fps on the Player and it's working well. So i'm asking if it's maybe a problem with HDCP because i can't know if the Xtrem use it . But i don't understand how can i force HDCP with "roVideoMode" could you explain to me please ?





    It sounds like you're experiencing a **black screen issue** with your Xtrem11 Camera when connected to the XT1144. This could indeed be due to **HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection)**. Here's how you can force HDCP using the `roVideoMode` in BrightScript:

    1. **Create an instance of `roVideoMode`**:
       mode = createobject("roVideomode")

    2. **Configure HDCP settings**:
       mode.ConfigureHdmiInput({MaxHdcpVersion:1, EdidFilename:0})
       This will force HDCP on all the time, ensuring compatibility.

    3. **Apply the settings**:

    This should help resolve the black screen issue by ensuring the HDMI input signal remains HDCP-protected throughout the entire chain.

    Does this help clarify things for you?

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