Discontinued License Subscriptions

My company has 15 HD222 Brightsign units that will have their license expire within a week. We typically order one year subscriptions using BSNSUB1 but this was discontinued on 2/25/2019. The replacement is called a "Pass" vs. the old "Subscritpion" and uses the name BSNPASS-12. 

Can Brightsign or anyone else confirm if the new license model numbers will continue to work on HD222 units? 

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    Yes, BSN licenses are not model-specific.  As long as the player is supported by BSN, either a subscription or pass will grant it rights to use BSN.

    Friendly reminder, the community forum is intended for user-to-user discussion.  It is not regularly monitored. For troubleshooting problems and to ensure a timely answer from a BrightSign representative, please submit a support ticket.
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