Delete player from BSN

A client is moving their players from BSN to AppSpace. I've deleted the players in their BSN and registered the player with AppSpace. It seems to work fine for a bit then the player will reboot and the player is listed in their BSN again and AppSpace can't upload the content, but can recognize it is online.

How do I fully delete a player from their BSN? I've deleted a player 5 times now and it always comes back.

1 comment

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    Scott Dacus

    I don't work for brightsign but I have the same issue and this was their response...

    This is not yet a feature but will be released with a new update to BrightAuthor:connected.  Version 1.41.0+ is not get available.  

    Please bookmark this page for release notes or routinely check for an update in the BrightAuthor:connected application.


    Christopher C. Wu

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